

June 19th, 2016   Otter Citadel

MustelidEmpire has drawn 843 drawings and authored 300 captions across 1,143 games. They follow 255 players and have 355 followers. They've earned a total of 13,127 emotes!


Commented in the game nuklz guarding the kaoz emrild

Commented in the game All hail the magic conch!

Commented in the game When you're too lazy to finish the

Commented in the game Rock Bottom

Commented in the game Joel's dad [Vinesauce]

Commented in the game Hot Chick just cant even...

Commented in the game The Evil Queen

Commented in the game Realistic Pikachu

Commented in the game Combine two paintings, PIO

Commented in the game Sunrise on the farm

Commented in the game A beautiful red-haired person

Commented in the game Sunrise on the farm

Commented in the game Lute: Fire Emblem 8

Commented in the game Combines... YOU KILLED WIFE???

Commented in the game Impress me with Polandball.