

June 23rd, 2016

Darkonius64 has drawn 51 drawings and authored 139 captions across 190 games. They follow 6 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 218 emotes!


Commented in the game Eggman without a mustache

Commented in the game A nice hou--WALUIGI TIME

Commented in the game Scorching desert at night

Commented in the game gotta go fast

Commented in the game Phoenix Wright Now Has A Pet Phoenix

Commented in the game Twili Midna fires Zant

Commented in the game something that makes this top game

Commented in the game Twili Midna fires Zant

Commented in the game Twili Midna fires Zant

Commented in the game Twili Midna fires Zant

Commented in the game This game will not be Top Game (PIO)

Commented in the game Sharks Vs. Bees

Commented in the game Miles Edgeworth

Commented in the game Rick And morty... Without morty...?

Commented in the game STEEL THY SHOVEL!

Commented in the game here comes dat boi!!!!