

June 29th, 2016

Hivasom has drawn 34 drawings and authored 32 captions across 66 games. They follow 4 players and have 5 followers. They've earned a total of 129 emotes!

Questioning our freedom Jul 27th, 2016
A guy who hates maths Jul 7th, 2016
questionable rainbows Jul 7th, 2016
this is my original character DO NOT STEAL!!!! Jul 5th, 2016
Guy triggered by box Jul 5th, 2016
emo angel looks at earth on table nd makes pun Jul 4th, 2016
Neon Genesis Evangelion Jul 4th, 2016
and i set fire to the forest!!!!! Jul 3rd, 2016
His ultimate power is gayness Jul 3rd, 2016
A stick figure robs a simple house Jul 3rd, 2016
Cats Don't Give a Crap About Your Puny Coals Jul 2nd, 2016
Racist, rotten tomatoes Jul 2nd, 2016
Rudolph the Reindeer acquires telekinesis Jul 2nd, 2016
Gotta catch them all! Jul 2nd, 2016
Maze to a broken heart Jul 2nd, 2016
pink and purple in space Jul 2nd, 2016
Sick dog with evil owner Jul 2nd, 2016
rolling a 1 in dungeons and dragons Jul 2nd, 2016