

July 10th, 2016

lNACTIVE has drawn 62 drawings and authored 159 captions across 221 games. They follow 2 players and have 3 followers. They've earned a total of 245 emotes!


Commented in the game Don't Tread On Me!

Commented in the game Moon Man, Moon Man, Can't you see?

Commented in the game NSFW game. Go nuts.

Commented in the game Typical Top Game Content

Commented in the game sonic inflation adventure

Commented in the game Kirby sucks up Darkwing Duck

Commented in the game GO!

Commented in the game GO!

Commented in the game Draw a Pokemon! PIO!

Commented in the game Salandit

Commented in the game Game of Thrones

Commented in the game Sand... and fire! Haha, makes glass!

Commented in the game DeviantArt Cringe.

Commented in the game Suicidal Zebra's last moment of joy

Commented in the game over watch favorite character P.I.O

Commented in the game MODS ARE ASLEEP! POST PONIES!

Commented in the game MODS ARE ASLEEP! POST PONIES!

Commented in the game MODS ARE ASLEEP! POST PONIES!