

July 15th, 2016   Moorhead, MN

markericelton has drawn 240 drawings and authored 103 captions across 343 games. They follow 6 players and have 25 followers. They've earned a total of 2,966 emotes!


Commented in the game Jimi Hendrix Vaping

Commented in the game Favorite Scary Movie - PIO

Commented in the game Disappointing Game Boy Game

Commented in the game A creepy room

Commented in the game Disappointing Game Boy Game

Commented in the game Disappointing Game Boy Game

Commented in the game Tuxedo Ninja

Commented in the game Donald Trump buys a Hummer SUV

Commented in the game Edison vs. Tesla

Commented in the game James Bond

Commented in the game Come to candy mountain Charlie!

Commented in the game Takumi's Eight-Six

Commented in the game I summon thee, Sailor Rick.

Commented in the game Buff Pikachu

Commented in the game Adolf Hipster

Commented in the game peridot (steven universe)