
the el mecha

July 16th, 2016   Your average humorless automaton

the el mecha has drawn 151 drawings and authored 1,118 captions across 1,269 games. They follow 8 players and have 15 followers. They've earned a total of 2,278 emotes!


Commented in the game Kiibo talks with a toaster

Commented in the game pewdiepie is NOT a racist

Commented in the game is life worth living?

Commented in the game Pumpkin Blacksmith

Commented in the game Princess Bubblegum

Commented in the game Halloween BNHA; Pio

Commented in the game RIP Robbie Rotten, pass it on

Commented in the game dachshund in a hotdog costume

Commented in the game Magic Housewife

Commented in the game Space General

Commented in the game MLP Bulk biceps aka Snowflake

Commented in the game Sun over the Darkplanet

Commented in the game a bass

Commented in the game a bass

Commented in the game Step One: Buy a Hotdog