

August 5th, 2016

Vegastar has drawn 162 drawings and authored 144 captions across 306 games. They follow 2 players and have 8 followers. They've earned a total of 382 emotes!


Commented in the game When we're old and grey

Commented in the game Ink!sans

Commented in the game P.I.O. I wanna be the very best.

Commented in the game Favourite Anime (P.I.O)

Commented in the game Favourite Anime (P.I.O)

Commented in the game Potato eats dog

Commented in the game Moon is hurtling towards earth

Commented in the game Frisk gives sans bad time.

Commented in the game The Crystal Jamies (Steven Universe)

Commented in the game The Crystal Jamies (Steven Universe)

Commented in the game The Crystal Jamies (Steven Universe)

Commented in the game Draw your favourite movie! P.I.O.

Commented in the game Homestuck

Commented in the game Waluigi TEM!

Commented in the game Terrible valentine

Commented in the game Soon, my little ones. Soon...

Commented in the game Terrible valentine

Commented in the game ai weiwei