
BreesyViper Gaming

August 7th, 2016

BreesyViper Gaming has drawn 129 drawings and authored 222 captions across 351 games. They follow 32 players and have 8 followers. They've earned a total of 579 emotes!


Commented in the game Attack on Blobfish (Apt parody)

Commented in the game Yellmo is a drug addict

Commented in the game Anime girl w/ Princess Leia buns

Commented in the game Cute black cat.

Commented in the game i'M SORRY WHOS WORLD IS IT?

Commented in the game ghost being possesed

Commented in the game Sans... as a Goomba.

Commented in the game President Capybara

Commented in the game Undertale = AMAZING!

Commented in the game Prediction: #8 is the best panel

Commented in the game Top game?

Commented in the game Top game?

Commented in the game Medieval rave