

August 8th, 2016

hollowwren has drawn 633 drawings and authored 36 captions across 669 games. They follow 538 players and have 1,020 followers. They've earned a total of 21,776 emotes!


Commented in the game That's dangerous!

Commented in the game That's dangerous!

Commented in the game Trico from The Last Guardian

Commented in the game 3357 WINS ALL!

Commented in the game GLaDOS (portal 2)

Commented in the game Trico from The Last Guardian

Commented in the game murderous puppy wears a green scarf

Commented in the game 1000th game, I play way too much.

Commented in the game sunset pio

Commented in the game Peeking at you while you sleep

Commented in the game will of the whisp

Commented in the game Attack of the Giant Leeches

Commented in the game Group of Kawaii kittens