

August 11th, 2016   Trapped in a dark room send help sos sos so

CornHusks has drawn 226 drawings and authored 118 captions across 344 games. They follow 38 players and have 54 followers. They've earned a total of 1,477 emotes!


Commented in the game Step 1547434: Go to Step 1

Commented in the game Tiger in the midst of the night

Commented in the game The egg came first!?

Commented in the game Firefly

Commented in the game Pewdiepie vs T-series

Commented in the game pink cat with large tongue

Commented in the game Get this to be TOP GAME

Commented in the game 1970s dinner party horror food

Commented in the game Falcons win

Commented in the game Pacman munching pellets

Commented in the game Pacman munching pellets

Commented in the game Bee wear

Commented in the game Bee wear

Commented in the game Pink flower dress

Commented in the game Skeleton's homemade spaghetti

Commented in the game Pink flower dress