

August 12th, 2016

LeggyHairs has drawn 85 drawings and authored 102 captions across 187 games. They follow 6 players and have 3 followers. They've earned a total of 222 emotes!


Commented in the game N'SYNC in sink

Commented in the game Horror movie (your choice)

Commented in the game A realistic toung

Commented in the game Pinkie pie meets peter griffin

Commented in the game Emo kid kicks a duck

Commented in the game Joseph Bee Stalin

Commented in the game Moe Firetruck-San

Commented in the game Manah manah!

Commented in the game Behold! The Man Eating Wrasse!

Commented in the game "if a bee wore pants,..."

Commented in the game exoplanets

Commented in the game Gremlin D.Va with Junkrat

Commented in the game Anonymous' hacking office

Commented in the game Phases

Commented in the game keemstars face