

August 15th, 2016

Naruto525 has drawn 226 drawings and authored 192 captions across 418 games. They follow 13 players and have 8 followers. They've earned a total of 1,277 emotes!


Commented in the game Hateful Boyfriend

Commented in the game Hateful Boyfriend

Commented in the game Neko atsume PIO

Commented in the game Doug funnie doing stand up comedy

Commented in the game fav anime charactor pio

Commented in the game fav anime charactor pio

Commented in the game Everybody dance!

Commented in the game King Dedede

Commented in the game Chat & Ladybug Vs Akuma-Sue

Commented in the game The Blair Witch

Commented in the game serpentine dragon

Commented in the game Inside a PokeBall

Commented in the game Favorite cartoon character as a bee

Commented in the game A forest of broccoli

Commented in the game Box with your old man

Commented in the game H2O Delirious yelling "GIVE BIRTH!"

Commented in the game Flower Of Life

Commented in the game Draw your Trickster Mode! PIO!