

August 16th, 2016   https://sarahah.top/u/193430522

orivirawr has drawn 538 drawings and authored 374 captions across 912 games. They follow 45 players and have 66 followers. They've earned a total of 3,319 emotes!


Commented in the game Stereotypical surfer dude

Commented in the game Porter Robinson

Commented in the game Pokemon fusions PIO

Commented in the game Sherlock Season 4

Commented in the game Sherlock Season 4

Commented in the game Draw me some gnarly looking hands!

Commented in the game Waking up at 2AM in the morning

Commented in the game Waking up at 2AM in the morning

Commented in the game Landsknecht

Commented in the game Landsknecht

Commented in the game Yellmo: The Movie

Commented in the game Halloween PIO , get wild!

Commented in the game Zoidberg's Dick?

Commented in the game MF Doom

Commented in the game Snowy forest

Commented in the game Boobs