

August 16th, 2016   https://sarahah.top/u/193430522

orivirawr has drawn 538 drawings and authored 374 captions across 912 games. They follow 45 players and have 66 followers. They've earned a total of 3,319 emotes!


Commented in the game Cherries!

Commented in the game Satan Chilling with Harambe

Commented in the game Pig eats bacon

Commented in the game Grim reaper Jedi

Commented in the game Emo boy

Commented in the game Hulk MAD

Commented in the game Giraffe Graphs a Bat on a Raft

Commented in the game Bored Zombie

Commented in the game Most annoying Nintendo character PIO

Commented in the game You at 10yrs old -PIO

Commented in the game You at 10yrs old -PIO

Commented in the game A Briefcase Walks Into a Bar and...

Commented in the game Meowth is Jealous of Alolan version

Commented in the game Bee Movie 2: Bee Politics

Commented in the game Sexy Corn Costume