

August 16th, 2016   Massachusetts, USA

Antonitis has drawn 156 drawings and authored 521 captions across 677 games. They follow 42 players and have 13 followers. They've earned a total of 1,364 emotes!


Commented in the game Gooigi (Luigi's Mansion)

Commented in the game Baby Yoda

Commented in the game Carrot

Commented in the game Cute Fruit

Commented in the game Christmalloween

Commented in the game Jack Stauber

Commented in the game Free draw

Commented in the game Latias and latios soaring in the sky

Commented in the game Birb with a newspaper hat

Commented in the game Mordecai and Rigby gay fanfic

Commented in the game Mordecai and Rigby gay fanfic

Commented in the game Winner gets my 1 duck

Commented in the game Draw your OTP

Commented in the game Blame it on panel 3

Commented in the game Blame it on panel 3

Commented in the game Dignity

Commented in the game Dignity

Commented in the game Grookey