
Marcel Cziborr

August 17th, 2016

Marcel Cziborr has drawn 42 drawings and authored 87 captions across 129 games. They follow 3 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 111 emotes!

Shrek meeting other fairy tales Nov 27th, 2017
Ghost haunts earth Nov 27th, 2017
cup head with a fireball and a glass of water Nov 26th, 2017
shrek riding donkey Nov 26th, 2017
Rebel peasant rides doghorse to castle Aug 21st, 2016
Cat murders dog Aug 21st, 2016
Solid Snake: Abducted! Aug 21st, 2016
smiley with squiggly arm holding a spoon Aug 21st, 2016
Tell your 6 other brothers I said hi Aug 21st, 2016
pooh tried to make honey into money Aug 21st, 2016
Turtle in space Aug 21st, 2016
Burning zebra in the forest Aug 20th, 2016
Nazi planet is in love with pink planet Aug 20th, 2016
nervous solid snake Aug 20th, 2016
Zeus but a chicken Aug 20th, 2016
Opening door with spoon Aug 20th, 2016
kid is old at the age of 7 Aug 20th, 2016
black people are not chocolate Aug 19th, 2016