

August 28th, 2016

Ravendemon has drawn 162 drawings and authored 113 captions across 275 games. They follow 8 players and have 15 followers. They've earned a total of 1,241 emotes!


Commented in the game Flames

Commented in the game Favorite Comic Strip P.I.O.

Commented in the game Gravity Falls

Commented in the game Ruin a nice drawing with huge eyes

Commented in the game In the spotlight

Commented in the game JJ-Verse (Kelvin Star Trek Timeline)

Commented in the game World War III

Commented in the game T-Rex

Commented in the game Jellyfish

Commented in the game Warship, the enemy in sight.

Commented in the game Mike Pence in a giant mech

Commented in the game What if everything was DNA Ligase

Commented in the game Snowman crime scene

Commented in the game Hilary Trump