

September 22nd, 2016   your local trashcan

ShingamiKitten12 has drawn 71 drawings and authored 78 captions across 149 games. They follow 34 players and have 22 followers. They've earned a total of 215 emotes!


Commented in the game Xenophobic alien cyborg space nazi.

Commented in the game Free Draw P.I.O

Commented in the game Pepe's fursona

Commented in the game Deadpool in The Loud House

Commented in the game Pepe's fursona

Commented in the game Cookie monster wants to eat table ?

Commented in the game Cookie monster wants to eat table ?

Commented in the game A toilet covered with poo

Commented in the game Silent Hill

Commented in the game A toilet covered with poo

Commented in the game A toilet covered with poo

Commented in the game Titenic

Commented in the game Step 1: Mamma Mia

Commented in the game Cookie monster wants to eat table ?

Commented in the game Cute female puppet named Girlmo

Commented in the game The last panel is anticlimatic

Commented in the game The last panel is anticlimatic