
Julian Stuchlik

September 24th, 2016

Julian Stuchlik has drawn 164 drawings and authored 67 captions across 231 games. They follow 5 players and have 44 followers. They've earned a total of 1,466 emotes!


Commented in the game IT'S FUCCING RAW

Commented in the game Sad Radish

Commented in the game Yellmo goes HEYAYEYAYAYA

Commented in the game yasuo (LoL)

Commented in the game What not to do with a lightsaber

Commented in the game What not to do with a lightsaber

Commented in the game hakuna matata

Commented in the game wewewewewewewooowowowowowowowoowowow

Commented in the game FEGELEIN

Commented in the game FEGELEIN

Commented in the game Donald Trump buys a Hummer SUV

Commented in the game Papyrus and Italy are cooking

Commented in the game breaking bad the animated musical