

October 24th, 2016

SHSLOtaku has drawn 341 drawings and authored 486 captions across 827 games. They follow 45 players and have 21 followers. They've earned a total of 2,391 emotes!


Commented in the game Crona

Commented in the game Death the Kid

Commented in the game edgy teen

Commented in the game New President: Bill Cipher!

Commented in the game New President: Bill Cipher!

Commented in the game New President: Bill Cipher!

Commented in the game The original Pokemon sprites.

Commented in the game #TRUMP IZ PREZ

Commented in the game P.I.O. What Is Trump To You?

Commented in the game vomit in the ball pit

Commented in the game Shrek for president 2016 PIO

Commented in the game Shrek for president 2016 PIO

Commented in the game Erza Scarlet

Commented in the game EXPLAIN to me what Yellmo is.