

November 2nd, 2016   hello c:

aichan has drawn 718 drawings and authored 896 captions across 1,614 games. They follow 1,340 players and have 465 followers. They've earned a total of 16,486 emotes!


Commented in the game C.S. Lewis Book Cover (google it)

Commented in the game Roaring lion

Commented in the game The Duck Side of the Moon

Commented in the game YOUR FACE!!

Commented in the game Fav Movie PIO

Commented in the game Grapefruit

Commented in the game Fig (fruit)

Commented in the game Damson

Commented in the game Favorite BNHA character Pass it On

Commented in the game Cherimoya

Commented in the game Yesterday, I asked you...

Commented in the game Banana

Commented in the game Avocado

Commented in the game a bee with little to no wings

Commented in the game Guy with durian for a head