

April 2nd, 2012   Austin, Texas

Ericka_S has drawn 373 drawings and authored 684 captions across 1,057 games. They follow 2 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 1,211 emotes!


Commented in the game Draenei and gnome playing cards

Commented in the game Draenei and gnome playing cards

Commented in the game Three Flamingo Moon

Commented in the game Blueberrybeard the Pirate

Commented in the game Purple bat (animal)

Commented in the game Care Bears & Pedobear

Commented in the game Murloc

Commented in the game Riding a tauntaun

Commented in the game Exercise the demon!

Commented in the game Jesus Superstar

Commented in the game Panda Knight

Commented in the game The Mythbusters finally go too far

Commented in the game OH GOD THE BEARS FOUND MY LSD

Commented in the game Laundry Day

Commented in the game Justice served ice cold

Commented in the game A Walrus Comments his Code

Commented in the game Man gets head stuck in jar

Commented in the game Punk Rock Princess