

November 5th, 2016

ArtJo has drawn 6,767 drawings and authored 5,533 captions across 12,300 games. They follow 0 players and have 283 followers. They've earned a total of 33,207 emotes!


Commented in the game Super heros

Commented in the game The Meme Lord of all memes

Commented in the game drawfee mug married drawception d

Commented in the game The Great A'Tuin

Commented in the game The Great A'Tuin

Commented in the game The Great A'Tuin

Commented in the game Squidward

Commented in the game Squidward

Commented in the game The Great A'Tuin

Commented in the game The Great A'Tuin

Commented in the game RWBY

Commented in the game Lynks diesase

Commented in the game Lynks diesase

Commented in the game Astronaut Mario loves Elmo

Commented in the game Sportacus: Dabbing since 1996

Commented in the game Cows

Commented in the game Shark jesus vs Octopope

Commented in the game The Creature beneath the Sea!