

November 6th, 2016   You tell me your's first.

Apraxic has drawn 686 drawings and authored 275 captions across 961 games. They follow 25 players and have 83 followers. They've earned a total of 4,199 emotes!


Commented in the game minun and plusle (pokemon)

Commented in the game Thotmas Paine

Commented in the game Is anybody out there?

Commented in the game walugi dab

Commented in the game Mr Saturn on Saturn Man

Commented in the game Mr Saturn on Saturn Man

Commented in the game walugi dab

Commented in the game Two stick figures on a small island

Commented in the game Draw Yellmo but he's a cat.

Commented in the game Green Eggs And Hamilton

Commented in the game Green Eggs And Hamilton

Commented in the game Green Eggs And Hamilton

Commented in the game Random Dude

Commented in the game flowey the flower

Commented in the game Favorite food PIO