

November 10th, 2016   Dead

SolsticeDragon has drawn 163 drawings and authored 926 captions across 1,089 games. They follow 123 players and have 126 followers. They've earned a total of 3,902 emotes!


Commented in the game Don't fuckle with shuckle

Commented in the game An enemy anemone

Commented in the game Fabulous Naruto

Commented in the game KABOOM!

Commented in the game The Nutshack as an Anime

Commented in the game man with a stretchy face

Commented in the game Cyanlmo

Commented in the game Cyanlmo

Commented in the game Cyanlmo

Commented in the game man with a stretchy face

Commented in the game New President: Bill Cipher!

Commented in the game Dumbledore patronus is Harry Potter

Commented in the game Tricera-cop

Commented in the game Tricera-cop

Commented in the game You in there?

Commented in the game You in there?

Commented in the game Dumbledore patronus is Harry Potter

Commented in the game Terminal velocity

Commented in the game Terminal velocity