

November 14th, 2016

BlueTrooper has drawn 100 drawings and authored 438 captions across 538 games. They follow 72 players and have 17 followers. They've earned a total of 434 emotes!


Commented in the game Ugandan Knuckles Queen

Commented in the game A dolphin

Commented in the game Ugandan Knuckles Queen

Commented in the game Bog (ACBeam)

Commented in the game Ugandan Knuckles

Commented in the game Dio Brando from Stardust Crusaders

Commented in the game Bepis is better than Pepsi.

Commented in the game Bepis is better than Pepsi.

Commented in the game Pimp K-2SO

Commented in the game One Punch Man but he's an egg

Commented in the game EMERL THE GIZOID

Commented in the game "As you wish."

Commented in the game Emerl The Gizoid

Commented in the game Emerl The Gizoid

Commented in the game a weird rule of drawception PIO

Commented in the game Ike Broflovski

Commented in the game snail cat