

November 22nd, 2016

DJShy3 has drawn 150 drawings and authored 551 captions across 701 games. They follow 7 players and have 8 followers. They've earned a total of 776 emotes!


Commented in the game Binga bonga let's do the conga

Commented in the game Stop User Shipping!

Commented in the game Stop User Shipping!

Commented in the game Headcrab sex

Commented in the game CURSE YOU PERRY THE PLATYPUS!!!

Commented in the game All Heil the Mighty Game Boy

Commented in the game Steamed Yellmos

Commented in the game Favourite character from DDLC (PIO)

Commented in the game Bikini PIO (SFW)

Commented in the game An ancient cartoon

Commented in the game invent a new -chan pio

Commented in the game Lars of the Stars! (SU)

Commented in the game WHOS THAT POKEMON...ITS MONIKA

Commented in the game Step:1 Take a bite out of a tree.

Commented in the game Favorite Song Lyrics P.I.O.

Commented in the game step 1: put the toaster in the tub