
Homo Erectus

December 5th, 2016

Homo Erectus has drawn 9 drawings and authored 2 captions across 11 games. They've earned a total of 7 emotes!


Latest Games

Statue of Liberty is a man with a beer gut Jan 11th, 2017
I love ivysaur
Jan 11th, 2017
glitch irl Jan 11th, 2017
george washington vs the hulk Jan 10th, 2017
scream by picasso Jan 10th, 2017
I LOVE my planet
Jan 10th, 2017
Yo mama's so big, she makes Snorlax look small Jan 10th, 2017
Merlin eats spaghetti Jan 10th, 2017
touch the strange green glowing goo Dec 5th, 2016
Waluigi family Dec 5th, 2016
thres a gren guy bein atakd by a guy w a pikax Dec 5th, 2016