

December 11th, 2016   Your basement

StringTheories has drawn 183 drawings and authored 345 captions across 528 games. They follow 1 players and have 15 followers. They've earned a total of 973 emotes!


Commented in the game Pearl overreacting

Commented in the game Go Go Power Rangers!

Commented in the game Paras

Commented in the game The Zoo of Boring Animals.

Commented in the game GOTTA GO FAST

Commented in the game Favorite pizza topping? P.I.O

Commented in the game Paul Blart Mall Cop : The anime

Commented in the game what if bowser... had genetalia?

Commented in the game ITS YA BOY NEBBYUZMA IN THE BAG

Commented in the game Tumblr in a nutshell

Commented in the game Drawception=Illuminati Confirmed

Commented in the game Drawception=Illuminati Confirmed

Commented in the game How do you spell ADHD?

Commented in the game I say Hey! WHAT'S GOING ON!?

Commented in the game Step one: Find the target (P.I.O)

Commented in the game A paper rabbit

Commented in the game A paper rabbit

Commented in the game I say Hey! WHAT'S GOING ON!?

Commented in the game I say Hey! WHAT'S GOING ON!?

Commented in the game I say Hey! WHAT'S GOING ON!?