

January 28th, 2017

Uhkneerudh has drawn 291 drawings and authored 120 captions across 411 games. They follow 13 players and have 27 followers. They've earned a total of 1,674 emotes!


Commented in the game Elon Musk

Commented in the game Draw someone you follow pio

Commented in the game Somebody Toucha my Spaget

Commented in the game Somebody Toucha my Spaget

Commented in the game Splatoon 2 pio

Commented in the game .-.

Commented in the game .-.

Commented in the game kyle (south park)

Commented in the game happiness

Commented in the game Fav Album PIO

Commented in the game Somebody Toucha my Spaget

Commented in the game Evongelion Unit-01

Commented in the game fav. YouTuber PIO

Commented in the game Up movie's Russel and Ellie in love

Commented in the game Tsundere Squeegee

Commented in the game Toxic elemental

Commented in the game Boba Fett Wobbuffet