

February 4th, 2017   indefinitely at a Curry Shop

DarkCurseBreaker has drawn 490 drawings and authored 483 captions across 973 games. They follow 75 players and have 57 followers. They've earned a total of 3,765 emotes!


Commented in the game Goth Stan

Commented in the game Draw "ception"

Commented in the game floccinaucinihilipilification

Commented in the game Your dream sofa.

Commented in the game Your dream sofa.

Commented in the game Purple piglet

Commented in the game TRON

Commented in the game TRON

Commented in the game Ice

Commented in the game The Bear crashed into the earth...

Commented in the game A podcaster, a wizard and a badger

Commented in the game Axolotl

Commented in the game What

Commented in the game Ice

Commented in the game The Bravest Princess Ever

Commented in the game Coffee

Commented in the game Garnet, master of comedy

Commented in the game Donald dump (duck+Trump)