
mike d

February 14th, 2017

mike d has drawn 193 drawings and authored 119 captions across 312 games. They follow 6 players and have 8 followers. They've earned a total of 791 emotes!


Commented in the game Man with emoticon face

Commented in the game OneyPlays (with friends)

Commented in the game Steamboat Willie

Commented in the game Steamboat Willie

Commented in the game Papers, Please

Commented in the game Papers, Please

Commented in the game huge red beast drinking vodka

Commented in the game laughing fire demon

Commented in the game Pickle Rick (from Rick and Morty)

Commented in the game RB-79 Ball (Gundam)

Commented in the game Darkwing Duck

Commented in the game Blurax (Blue Lorax) (Make this top)

Commented in the game Less than Three

Commented in the game snake smoking a cigar in a box

Commented in the game Less than Three

Commented in the game Karl Pilkington

Commented in the game creepy spyro (dragon)