
Tenshi Tousuta

March 1st, 2017   In the sky above you

Tenshi Tousuta has drawn 296 drawings and authored 433 captions across 729 games. They follow 21 players and have 35 followers. They've earned a total of 4,482 emotes!


Commented in the game sushi

Commented in the game Toaster alert

Commented in the game A wallet

Commented in the game Insane Australian Man

Commented in the game WITCHCRAFT!

Commented in the game Optimus Prime Rib

Commented in the game le bleach

Commented in the game le bleach

Commented in the game sushi

Commented in the game Crayon Kingdom

Commented in the game Scooby Doo Vs snoopy the dog

Commented in the game Star Wars VS Star Trek

Commented in the game Bankai

Commented in the game Step 1: Create a Drawception Game

Commented in the game the avengers

Commented in the game Evolution P.I.O

Commented in the game Mulan