

March 12th, 2017   The place where Wind Gods go

WindyThePuffin has drawn 231 drawings and authored 142 captions across 373 games. They follow 27 players and have 39 followers. They've earned a total of 1,768 emotes!


Commented in the game Well here we are again... (Cont)

Commented in the game Binding of Isaac

Commented in the game The trashcan monster

Commented in the game Draw the object to your left.

Commented in the game Captain America

Commented in the game Wot in drawception

Commented in the game Litten beating Rowlet

Commented in the game cheetos puffs vs cheese poffs

Commented in the game Donald Trump x Son Goku

Commented in the game A strange red O in italics

Commented in the game Donald Trump x Son Goku

Commented in the game Twenty One Pilots

Commented in the game A snail/orca hybrid

Commented in the game A Cardboard Box

Commented in the game Goku going super saiyan