

March 29th, 2017

LissuPii has drawn 388 drawings and authored 117 captions across 505 games. They follow 10 players and have 49 followers. They've earned a total of 4,233 emotes!


Commented in the game Dragon

Commented in the game Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Commented in the game a horse

Commented in the game Is this eye week and cow week?

Commented in the game Realistic soccer ball

Commented in the game I am raining down in pieces

Commented in the game I am skipping on the sidewalk

Commented in the game Demogorgan (skip if you dont know)

Commented in the game I am lost inside your pocket

Commented in the game anagram PIO

Commented in the game Colorful flowers

Commented in the game Colorful flowers

Commented in the game Great White Shark

Commented in the game Rock Paper Scissors Spock Lizard

Commented in the game Even bigger weapon (PIO)

Commented in the game Even bigger weapon (PIO)

Commented in the game Guide: How to be a good dog owner

Commented in the game an eye