

April 7th, 2017

StarNote has drawn 21 drawings and authored 45 captions across 66 games. They follow 3 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 50 emotes!


Commented in the game Malcolm in the middle

Commented in the game cool purple dragon

Commented in the game My little pony

Commented in the game Disney movie

Commented in the game Favorite musical PIO (Pass It On)

Commented in the game Favorite musical PIO (Pass It On)

Commented in the game Favorite musical PIO (Pass It On)

Commented in the game asdf movie

Commented in the game A Sheep on a Boat in the Ocean

Commented in the game New Delhi go boom boom

Commented in the game Jazza cries about derails

Commented in the game Jazza cries about derails

Commented in the game Depressed girl would like to die

Commented in the game a cat with an eyepatch