

April 8th, 2017

supershadow957 has drawn 222 drawings and authored 500 captions across 722 games. They follow 6 players and have 3 followers. They've earned a total of 647 emotes!


Commented in the game a movie that does NOT need a sequel

Commented in the game Josuke Higashikata

Commented in the game Yellmo's Starry Night

Commented in the game The Hidden Brother of D

Commented in the game Danny is the worst grump

Commented in the game Jimmy Nuetron vs Shrek

Commented in the game Fav Jojo stand PIO (King Crimson)

Commented in the game Fav Jojo stand PIO (King Crimson)

Commented in the game Fav Jojo stand PIO (King Crimson)

Commented in the game Fav Jojo stand PIO (King Crimson)

Commented in the game Fav Jojo stand PIO (King Crimson)

Commented in the game fav Hetalia country PIO (France)

Commented in the game David Tennant

Commented in the game Battle Cats

Commented in the game Old Moth

Commented in the game Solgaleo

Commented in the game Solgaleo