

April 8th, 2017   on and off

ImDisgUstin has drawn 81 drawings and authored 440 captions across 521 games. They follow 284 players and have 108 followers. They've earned a total of 719 emotes!


Commented in the game Anti Cosmo (Fairly OddParents)

Commented in the game Tweak (South Park)

Commented in the game GIMME PIZZA!

Commented in the game the conductor! (a hat in time)

Commented in the game the conductor! (a hat in time)

Commented in the game Cheer up King Bushwick PIO

Commented in the game Cereal in a pickle

Commented in the game Dog with a sunflower on its head

Commented in the game Dog with a sunflower on its head

Commented in the game Childhood PIO

Commented in the game ethan has the best butt in town

Commented in the game Classic Vines (the app) PIO

Commented in the game Favorite quote art P.I.O

Commented in the game Alone on a Friday night? Pathetic.

Commented in the game Plastic Beach

Commented in the game Plastic Beach