

April 14th, 2017

TheTerminator1999 has drawn 526 drawings and authored 323 captions across 849 games. They follow 45 players and have 328 followers. They've earned a total of 3,712 emotes!


Commented in the game dab

Commented in the game dab

Commented in the game Kieth

Commented in the game Kieth

Commented in the game Kieth

Commented in the game dab

Commented in the game Kieth

Commented in the game Panel 5 is secretly peridot

Commented in the game dab

Commented in the game Try To Make Me Laugh

Commented in the game D.Va (Overwatch) turns into a hydra

Commented in the game you.

Commented in the game Plumbus

Commented in the game Chi (look it up its an anime)

Commented in the game Hi there young one!

Commented in the game Chi (look it up its an anime)

Commented in the game Chica and Toy Chica

Commented in the game twenty one pilots