

April 24th, 2017

ItachiFreal has drawn 122 drawings and authored 85 captions across 207 games. They follow 9 players and have 10 followers. They've earned a total of 519 emotes!


Commented in the game Rick Sanchez

Commented in the game Sphynx cooking a Camera

Commented in the game Voltron Ship (hMMM)

Commented in the game Free Draw for the new palette

Commented in the game Bigby Wolf (Wolf Among Us)

Commented in the game Freddy Fazbear

Commented in the game Simon's cat

Commented in the game Freddy Fazbear

Commented in the game Greenachu vs tentacle Yellmo

Commented in the game Batman And Robin

Commented in the game A Pyromancer's Dream-Come-True

Commented in the game just a potato

Commented in the game Meme lemon dancing

Commented in the game Meme lemon dancing

Commented in the game Meme lemon dancing

Commented in the game Meme lemon dancing

Commented in the game panel [x] killed the Panda Olympics

Commented in the game Quagmire

Commented in the game President Vermon Supreme