

May 4th, 2017

ButterMcNuggets has drawn 99 drawings and authored 203 captions across 302 games. They follow 6 players and have 5 followers. They've earned a total of 328 emotes!


Commented in the game poontah

Commented in the game poontah

Commented in the game a cow jumping over the moon

Commented in the game happyest man in the world

Commented in the game Wendy's

Commented in the game Iron Fist (Marvel)

Commented in the game Super Saiyan Steven Universe

Commented in the game Worst Fandoms

Commented in the game Worst Fandoms

Commented in the game KickPuncher vs. PunchKicker

Commented in the game Chandelier

Commented in the game Ryuuk (Death Note)

Commented in the game Ryuuk (Death Note)

Commented in the game Cosmo and Wanda as shoes

Commented in the game Cosmo and Wanda as shoes

Commented in the game The Essence Of Dry Shoe