

May 4th, 2017   somewhere without enough snow

vampirepenguin has drawn 1,060 drawings and authored 321 captions across 1,381 games. They follow 209 players and have 278 followers. They've earned a total of 12,193 emotes!


Commented in the game Iron Berd

Commented in the game step 1: start a game

Commented in the game the day the galaxy spilled

Commented in the game Banana Dolphin

Commented in the game A Snek

Commented in the game Draw your current mood P.I.O.

Commented in the game Draw your current mood P.I.O.

Commented in the game Underwater life

Commented in the game Blue snow

Commented in the game a bunch of leaves in the sea

Commented in the game Beaver

Commented in the game alien

Commented in the game 1800's Bubble

Commented in the game Rabbit crossing the Tracks

Commented in the game Space Python

Commented in the game Bee sniffing flowers

Commented in the game Death grips

Commented in the game burd as gandalf

Commented in the game Walrus