

May 4th, 2017   San Francisco

Nyxa has drawn 441 drawings and authored 325 captions across 766 games. They follow 20 players and have 41 followers. They've earned a total of 2,142 emotes!


Commented in the game Step 1: Submit an application

Commented in the game Step 1: Submit an application

Commented in the game The castle from howl's moving castle

Commented in the game The castle from howl's moving castle

Commented in the game Fuuu-sion ha! (Dragon ball z)

Commented in the game Fuuu-sion ha! (Dragon ball z)

Commented in the game Fuuu-sion ha! (Dragon ball z)

Commented in the game The castle from howl's moving castle

Commented in the game The castle from howl's moving castle

Commented in the game The castle from howl's moving castle

Commented in the game gachimuchi

Commented in the game An incredibly detailed self-portrait

Commented in the game ITAOTS

Commented in the game favorite Pokemon PIO

Commented in the game Your favorite food (pio)

Commented in the game Steven universe garnet

Commented in the game Free Draw