

May 5th, 2017   sydney australia

ivanchin2541 has drawn 397 drawings and authored 307 captions across 704 games. They follow 11 players and have 25 followers. They've earned a total of 1,965 emotes!


Commented in the game jason v freddy

Commented in the game Julia from Sesame Street

Commented in the game Persona 5

Commented in the game Persona 5

Commented in the game ROAD ROLLER DA

Commented in the game ROAD ROLLER DA

Commented in the game Plump Plumber

Commented in the game Stick in the mud

Commented in the game I'm on top of the world

Commented in the game Surprised Clam

Commented in the game Donkey

Commented in the game regular show

Commented in the game Mega Hippo

Commented in the game barbara manitee

Commented in the game me too thanks

Commented in the game (.)-(')