
Kelsie Steelhammer

May 7th, 2017

Kelsie Steelhammer has drawn 23 drawings and authored 26 captions across 49 games. They follow 1 players and have 0 followers. They've earned a total of 27 emotes!

catwoman spits out water Aug 20th, 2017
Egg man fries his children Aug 20th, 2017
Peinguin in snow - cure Aug 20th, 2017
Mean Gorilla May 14th, 2017
The rare white lion May 13th, 2017
Napstablook gets a hug May 10th, 2017
why am i made out of cheese???? May 9th, 2017
villian in green & top hat smirking May 9th, 2017
brown haired girl? in a striped sweater May 9th, 2017
The Amazing Armadillo May 9th, 2017
dinosaur goalkeeper May 9th, 2017