

April 3rd, 2012   FI

Petrus has drawn 10 drawings and authored 2 captions across 12 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 22 emotes!


Latest Games

green half-face wearing a helmet and cloak Apr 3rd, 2012
THAT'S A LOT OF NUTS!!! Apr 3rd, 2012
Fat man pays to take food out of him by hand Apr 3rd, 2012
New York workman oversees a road repair Apr 3rd, 2012
Catapulting wizard gets surprised by towerlion Apr 3rd, 2012
det. cloud shoots first, asks questions later Apr 3rd, 2012
Street Sharks learned to fly and drop blood bomb Apr 3rd, 2012
Blue lizard spews gray bullets with a PEWPEW Apr 3rd, 2012
Masked eggplant kills #4 racecar driver Apr 3rd, 2012
donatello quit while he was a head Apr 3rd, 2012