
West Jordan

May 11th, 2017

West Jordan has drawn 12 drawings and authored 10 captions across 22 games. They've earned a total of 8 emotes!

3 planks of wood (stair rom is written?) May 15th, 2017
a pink belted taekwondo that saw blue buterfly May 15th, 2017
guy with books and weird plant thing May 11th, 2017
dinosaur rocket May 11th, 2017
a Lion King sunset May 11th, 2017
There are many suns over the Mountain Peaks May 11th, 2017
red tin can on a rock smiling May 11th, 2017
Murdoc From Gorillaz May 11th, 2017
Blue-haired scientist eats poop May 11th, 2017
A bad '90's TV show May 11th, 2017
Coca Cola May 11th, 2017
Grumpy garfield cat May 11th, 2017