

May 15th, 2017

DatBoii has drawn 145 drawings and authored 162 captions across 307 games. They follow 5 players and have 7 followers. They've earned a total of 334 emotes!


Commented in the game Off with mayweather's head!!!

Commented in the game Dora the Explorer porn parody

Commented in the game Starving Artist

Commented in the game My Name Is Phillip

Commented in the game Step 1. tell a funny joke

Commented in the game Silly Bug

Commented in the game Anthropomorphic vacuum cleaner

Commented in the game Step 1: Get your cat a brand new box

Commented in the game The Nullarbor

Commented in the game Pon and Zi

Commented in the game Trump is my trigger word

Commented in the game Semon (Semen demon)

Commented in the game try to be offensive

Commented in the game Angel with a rubber shotgun

Commented in the game TFW you realize life is meaningless.