Commented in the game Stop staring at me Rob Ford.
Commented in the game Oh hi Mark
Commented in the game Chakotay
Commented in the game "We have to go back!"
Commented in the game No! Don't do that with Pokemon Ami!!!
Commented in the game The Killers - Neon Tiger
Commented in the game The gray line is a Mexican from Mexico
Commented in the game No! Don't do that with Pokemon Ami!!!
Commented in the game Lord Zedd Doesn't Like You.
Commented in the game Senile Elves, By Brian Lee O-Malley
Commented in the game Monopoly - Zombie Edition
Commented in the game FEGELEIN! Feel the wrath of my pencil of doom.
Commented in the game Emily the Corpse Bride
Commented in the game An Awful Band
Commented in the game Abevegeta
Commented in the game Blood flavored soda for vampires
Commented in the game Emily the Corpse Bride
Commented in the game Monopoly - Zombie Edition
Commented in the game FEGELEIN! Feel the wrath of my pencil of doom.
Commented in the game Tunak Tunak Tun, with extra Tuna.