

May 19th, 2017   Mario's mustache

Jacattackshark has drawn 566 drawings and authored 537 captions across 1,103 games. They follow 29 players and have 10 followers. They've earned a total of 1,128 emotes!


Commented in the game Sheep and a pig on a date

Commented in the game Panda chomping on bamboo

Commented in the game Stunky

Commented in the game Inostrancevia

Commented in the game Merlo and Loojee

Commented in the game snek

Commented in the game Fawlty Towers

Commented in the game Fawlty Towers

Commented in the game Ra Ra Rasputin

Commented in the game Giraffe Licking a Tortoise

Commented in the game Xbox tries to kill its gamer!

Commented in the game Favorite hero pio

Commented in the game HONEY! I SHRUNK THE KIDS!!!

Commented in the game Groudon

Commented in the game Dio

Commented in the game A cat sleeping

Commented in the game An adorable baby ostrich

Commented in the game Glowing jellyfish at night

Commented in the game Pink elephant drinking coke